Welcome! This webpage encompasses the many interesting aspects of airplanes and their history, as well as their exciting future.
On December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville achieved something that had never been done before. In Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the two brothers managed to achieve flight for a brief period of time in their airplane, which they called the Flyer. This spurred an exponential age or airline evolution, bringing us from pedal powered gliders to the massive machines that patrol the skies today. Airplanes allow us to travel to any corner of the globe in just hours and move huge amounts or cargo in record breaking time. Without a doubt, airplanes are one, if not the best, of humanities greatest achievments.
Please enjoy the different pages this website has to offer. If you would like to learn more about earlier aircraft, as well as the first flight, visit the Early Airplanes page. If you want to know how the invention of aircraft have changed the course of war, go to Redefning Warfare. If the planes in commision today interest you, go to Today's Planes. If you are intersted in our future in the skies, go to Future of Air Travel. Enjoy!