Welcome! This webpage encompases the many different styles of HTML, and how to use them.
Name | Start Tag | End Tag | Example |
Headings | <h1> | </h1> | <h1>Heading<h1/> |
Title | <title> | </title> | <title>Title</title> |
Body | <body> | </body> | <body>Body</body> |
Heading | <h1>,<h2>,<h3>... | </h1>,</h2>,</h3>... | <h3>Heading</h3> |
Paragraph | <p> | </p> | <p>Paragraph</p> |
Break | <br>/td> | </br> | <br>Break</br> |
Line | <hr> | None | <hr> |
Comment | <!-- | --> | <!--Comment--> |
Link | <a href=" | </a> | <a href="Page Name">Page Name</a> |
Image | <img src=" | > | <img src="URL"alt"Image Name"width="Dimension"height"Dimension"> |
List | <ul> | </ul> | <li>List</li> |
Table | <table> | </table>/td> | <td>Table</td> |
Block | <div> | </div> | <div>Block</div> |
1. To create a heading, use the following code : <h1>Insert Text Here</h1>
2. Titles are important for titling a page. Here is the code for a title. <title>Insert Text Here</title>
3. Next are body paragraphs. Start one at the top, and type in between the <body> and end at the </body>, which should be at the bottom.
4. You can also change the size of the heading by changing the number, such as too <h2>,<h3> and so on. See examples below.
5. Paragraphs are very important for typing. To create on, start with <p> and end with a </p>.
6. Breaks are for breaking up sentences to and making indents. Start with a <br> and end with a </br>.
7. To make a line, all you have to do is type in <hr>.
8. To create a comment, use <!--Insert Text Here-->
9. To create a link, use the following code. <a href="/Insert Name Here.html">Name of Page</a>
10. To insert an Image, use the following code. <img src="Insert URL of Image Here" alt="Name of Image" width="Dimension" height="Dimension">
11. To create lists, use the following code. Start with a <ul>. After that, each item on the list needs to be enclosed in a <li>Item</li>. End with a </ul>.
12. To create a table, use the following in instructions. Start with a <table> at the top. To start making the table, make a <tr>. Create your collums using this code <th>Item</th>. End a </tr>. For each row of the table, Start with <tr>. To create each row, use the code <td>Item</td>.End with a </tr>. When you have finished the table, complete with a </table>
13. To create blocks, use the following code. To divide a sentence into blocks, use the <div>Insert Text Here</div>.