HTML Reference Page

Welcome! This webpage encompases the many different styles of HTML, and how to use them.

HTML Reference Page Homepage Exercises CSS Exercises Headings Styles Format Quotes Comments Tables List Block

Welcome To My HTML Reference Page!

Name Start Tag End Tag Example
Headings <h1> </h1> <h1>Heading<h1/>
Title <title> </title> <title>Title</title>
Body <body> </body> <body>Body</body>
Heading <h1>,<h2>,<h3>... </h1>,</h2>,</h3>... <h3>Heading</h3>
Paragraph <p> </p> <p>Paragraph</p>
Break <br>/td> </br> <br>Break</br>
Line <hr> None <hr>
Comment <!-- --> <!--Comment-->
Link <a href=" </a> <a href="Page Name">Page Name</a>
Image <img src=" > <img src="URL"alt"Image Name"width="Dimension"height"Dimension">
List <ul> </ul> <li>List</li>
Table <table> </table>/td> <td>Table</td>
Block <div> </div> <div>Block</div>

1. To create a heading, use the following code : <h1>Insert Text Here</h1>

2. Titles are important for titling a page. Here is the code for a title. <title>Insert Text Here</title>

3. Next are body paragraphs. Start one at the top, and type in between the <body> and end at the </body>, which should be at the bottom.

4. You can also change the size of the heading by changing the number, such as too <h2>,<h3> and so on. See examples below.

5. Paragraphs are very important for typing. To create on, start with <p> and end with a </p>.

6. Breaks are for breaking up sentences to and making indents. Start with a <br> and end with a </br>.

7. To make a line, all you have to do is type in <hr>.

8. To create a comment, use <!--Insert Text Here-->

9. To create a link, use the following code. <a href="/Insert Name Here.html">Name of Page</a>

10. To insert an Image, use the following code. <img src="Insert URL of Image Here" alt="Name of Image" width="Dimension" height="Dimension">

11. To create lists, use the following code. Start with a <ul>. After that, each item on the list needs to be enclosed in a <li>Item</li>. End with a </ul>.

12. To create a table, use the following in instructions. Start with a <table> at the top. To start making the table, make a <tr>. Create your collums using this code <th>Item</th>. End a </tr>. For each row of the table, Start with <tr>. To create each row, use the code <td>Item</td>.End with a </tr>. When you have finished the table, complete with a </table>

13. To create blocks, use the following code. To divide a sentence into blocks, use the <div>Insert Text Here</div>.